World’s Top 10 Wildlife Photographers 2021
My image “Arctic Fox and Swarming Insects” was ranked as no 8 on the “World’s Top 10 Wildlife Photographers 2021” list by the One Eyeland Awards! Also, my image “Arctic Fox in the Stream” received the Country Title of Norway, 1st prize.
Click on the images to enlarge and see them in 1400px quality. Arctic Fox and Swarming Insects. No8 on the “World’s Top 10 Wildlife Photographers 2021” list by the One Eyeland Awards.
Arctic Fox in the Stream. 1st prize, Country Title of Norway in the One Eyeland Awards 2021.
Arctic Fox after Sunset. Bronze medal in the Mammals category in the One Eyeland Awards 2021.
Arctic Fox white-out. Bronze medal in the Black and White category in the One Eyeland Awards 2021. [/av_textblock]
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