Svalbard summer 2011

Two boat trips and four weeks all together made 2011 my ultimate Svalbard summer. I have seen nearly 30 polar bears, over a thousand walruses, a lot of ringed seals, bearded seals, harbour seals, a few harp seals, mink whales, blue whale, and a lot of arctic foxes and Svalbard reindeers.

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Exhibition at Kittilbu Museum

This summer I will have a photo exhibition at Kittilbu Museum (Randsfjordmuseene) in Vestre Gausdal near Lillehammer. The exhibition opens June 26 at 12:00 and will remain open until September 18. The exhibition presents photographs of brown bears I have taken in Finland, and it will be possible to purchase prints and framed photographs at the museum.

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Overall Winner of Nordic Nature Photo Contest (NNPC)

I am both glad, humble and of course proud, to announce that my photograph of Brown bear in early morning mist (image #1 below) taken in Kuhmo in Finland for about one year ago, has been awarded the Overall Winner of the Nordic Nature Photo Contest 2011!

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